Modern Balabusta

Jenni Person


(561) 628-JUCY


About Jenni Person


Jenni Person’s interest in cooking began early as she reportedly ran home from nursery school to catch Graham Kerr’s Public Television cooking show, “The Galloping Gourmet.”  As an adult, Person began recruiting friends to cook for by hosting parties and holidays in her home – eventually founding a chavurah, an informal Jewish group - later named “Sandbox” in recognition of the close friendships built as well as the many events and rituals planned on the beach - in Miami Beach, Florida.  Sandbox, which started out as three people sharing the Yom Kippur Break Fast, grew over seven years to include over sixty households on its mailing list. 


An arts professional by training with a degree in Drama from Bennington College in Vermont, Person has worked as an award-winning performer; Producing Director of the Loft Theatre in Tampa, FL; Director of Programming at the South Florida Art Center (now Art Center South Florida) in Miami Beach, FL; Education Director at the Florida Philharmonic and Co-Director/Director of Planning & Development for Alternate ROOTS, a national artists’ organization based in Atlanta, GA.  In the Jewish community, Person has served as Managing Director of the feminist yeshiva, Bat Kol; and as Assistant Director of the Southern California District of The Workmen’s Circle/Arbeter Ring.


From June 1999 through May 2001, Person lived in Jerusalem, Israel where she studied Jewish living informally and texts more formally at the Beit Midrash/A Liberal Yeshivah of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.


Person’s culinary training was acquired at the Epicurean School of Culinary Arts in West Hollywood, CA.  She is an active member of an international electronic Jewish Food community made up of over 1200 subscribers worldwide representing every facet of Jewish food, cooking, and life imaginable.  In April 2003, Person’s Passover recipes were featured in Cooking Pleasures magazine, the magazine of the Cooking Club of America.


Jenni Person lives in South Florida with her partner, Chaim Lieberman, and their new baby, Golda Shalom LieberPerson.  Collaboratively, Person and Lieberman, a Jewish Educator, develop many creative resources for home rituals including a politically charged “Guerilla Megillah” for Purim and an experiential Haggadah for Passover.